It's a terrible feeling to look at the girl of your dreams and think to yourself "She'll never want to be with me" or "I'll never be good enough for her."

Many guys think that women only fall in love with men that are good looking or have money - and that is only very slightly true and I will tell you why. Girls aren't attracted to looks and money and nice things necessarily, they are attracted to security, and men who stand out from the crowd, men they BELIEVE will be successful and take care of them. That's why you see some girls with broke guys, but in some way, the guy makes her feel safe and secure.

She may believe because he's outspoken and no one can confronts him, he can keep her safe from any potential threats. But don't worry, you don't have to be a complete jerk to attract the girl you've always dreamt of. In fact, many women are more attracted to a kind (yet strong internally) man.

In this article I will be showing you 5
Sure fire ways to get that girl of your dreams.

1. Work On Yourself

I know it's easy to get jealous or think it's unfair that the girl is with the guy with good looks or money, but a better alternative is to reflect and work on yourself. I see a lot of guys get mad that girls are attracted to the fit and buff guy, but they make no effort to get fit and buff themselves.

It takes time and discipline to get that way, and girls are attracted to the work that was put in to that - and the same goes for money. A lot of guys see the annoying guy with money or looks, but they don't see the work that was put in the actually get those things. So work on yourself. Ask yourself who you really want to be - do you want to be fit, rich, and be able to talk to women like a champion? Do you want to be brave, adventurous, strong? Then start going to the gym, finding out ways to make extra income, and start reading and learning and doing and creating experiences to back up your beliefs. No excuses! Girls are extremely attracted to a man that works on making his dreams a reality. Work a little on yourself everyday, and girls will see that you are getting better and better everyday and be extremely
attracted to that.

2. Maintain Eye Contact

The number one thing girls care about is the way you make them feel. And the most honest and piercing way of showing a woman who you are is through eye contact. Eye contact can be very difficult to master, as it may be uncomfortable when you are first starting out. It may invoke some intense emotions in both parties, but strong emotions are good - the stronger the emotion, the more the girl will remember you. Try not to stare though. When I walk in the street, sometimes I play a little game, and that's to look at each girl in the eye and try not to break eye contact until she does. It may feel really uncomfortable at first, but it will teach you how to become very comfortable with looking a woman in the eye when you talk to her. Mastering eye contact makes women melt like butter.

3. Be Clean!

How can a woman know if you can take care of her if you can hardly take care of yourself? Brush your teeth daily, shower, groom your hair. When you take care of yourself, you give off a healthy and vibrant glow. It makes you look better, and it makes her more attracted to you! It's a win/win situation. Woman are biologically attracted to healthier looking men - so when you demonstrate that you can take care of yourself, it's out of her control, she WILL feel extra attraction towards you.

4. Believe In Yourself

Start taking a positive look at yourself. Most men will never heal themselves mentally and they will
always make excuses as to why nothing works out for them. They will tell themselves "Oh I'm ugly, I'm
fat, I can't speak in public, I'm just not a person who's good with girls." That's the worst way to treat someone, especially yourself. There's a bible verse that says to "Love others as yourself." That means to love others, and to love yourself as well. When you love yourself, everything else just falls into place. People will see the self-love and gravitate towards it. Have an abundant mind mentality. When you release good and value into the world, women want to be a part of it - most women.

5. Be Yourself

In the dating world, you'll see a lot of tips and tricks to make women fall in love with you. If you're so obsessed with all the tips and tricks that you aren't even enjoying yourself when you're out talking to women, what is the point any ways? You may get a girl here and there to be interested in you, but you'll never feel fulfilled, you'll always feel like a big fake.

The real truth is to become confident in yourself.

Go in with a mindset of getting to know the woman and connecting with her, but also believe in yourself and communicate that you ARE a man and you do have sexual desires - there's no need to feel guilty for that.

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