The vice chancellor of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Professor Rosamund Green-Osahagulu, who was abducted last week Thursday by unknown gunmen on her way home in Port Harcourt after the closure of work has regained her freedom.

The circumstances surrounding her release remains sketchy at the time of filing this report.

Ahmad Muhammad, the Rivers Command of Public Relations Officer confirmed her freedom this morning, stating that, she is hale and hearty and united with her family.

PM NEWS could not confirm if ransom was paid by her family or terms on which she was released.

Ignatius Ajuru University of Education is the second state-owned university in Rivers built after the Rivers State university of Science and Technology, RSUST.

Professor Rosamund Green Osahagulu was appointed vice chancellor by the immediate past administration of former Governor Chibuike Amaechi after upgrading the institution from College of Education to University of Education.

It would be recalled that the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, has decried the rise in the abduction cases in Zone Six, comprising, Rivers, Akwa-Ibom, Cross River and Ebonyi.

The IGP therefore suspended the annual leave for officers and men directing the commands to stem the tide immediately.

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