The Speaker of Nigeria’s House of Representatives,Yakubu Dogara, has called on citizens of the west
African country to pray for the success of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration and leaders at all levels of government, noting that, only divine wisdom can solve the country’s problems.

“I want to plead that because the problems we have now in the country are not conventional, and that conventional wisdom cannot solve them, we need divine wisdom,” he said.

Dogara’s call was contained in a statement signed by the speaker’s Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Mr Turaki Hassan, on Sunday in Abuja.

It said that Dogara made the appeal during a Church service at the Living Faith Church, Durumi, Abuja.

The statement said that the challenges confronting the present crop of leaders in the country were not ordinary, and that they required extra-ordinary prayers to overcome.

“Without prayers, there is no way we can succeed.

So, I urge that prayers and supplication be offerednfor all the leaders, beginning from the President to the least person in authority.

“So that we can embrace the wisdom that comes from God and apply those tools in bringing solution to the problems that are no longer conventional,” it said.

It said that Pastor John Adelekun, in his sermon, called on the worshippers to serve God and tap into His blessings.

“Those who serve God don´t beg to be lifted and they are doing themselves favour when they serve God,” the statement added.

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