Not all relationship leads to marriage and also not all relationship has an happy ending.
At a point in time, your partner was the best thing that ever happened to you, it was all sweet an rosy.

But along the line misunderstanding sets in, argument comes in, jealousy sneaks in and next you decide to part ways. But one of the most painful cause of breakup is when you discover your partner you loved with all your heart has been cheating on you with someone else.
After breaking up, it becomes difficult to continue without that person you once loved, yes its normal because you were emotionally attached.
Funny enough you still go back to beg your ex even after hurting you.If your ex intentionally broke up with
you because he/she thinks all of a sudden you are not good enough, then you should learn to know where and when you are wanted and also when you are not.
Here are some simple ways to forget your Ex easily.
1.  Learn To Realize You Deserve Better:
First, you have to realize you deserve better. If your ex broke up with you because he/she thinks you are no longer good enough even after you put in your best and try so hard to please them. At this time, you should realize you deserve better than being pushed around or begging for someone to love you.
A relationship consist of two people who love, respect, care and stand for each other during hard times. If you are the only one fighting for the relationship to continue, showing all the love and care yet you get nothing in return other than pain, tears and a broken heart, then its not worth it. Realize you are special too and there's a thousand and one people out there ready to die for you. Be bold enough to forget about the Ex who gave you nothing but pain.
2. Erase Old Memories:
After breaking up, you will be tempted to call, text or check on her. You might also start recalling old memories and start missing your ex again. This is normal because you can't easily do away with someone who has been part of you for a long time. After breaking up, delete every means of communication with your ex. Be it on social media, BBM, whatsapp e.t.c, by doing this anytime you think about calling or texting them, you remember you can't anymore. This is hard, but with time you will get used to it. After all, before you met your ex you were living fine.
3. Make New Friends And Meet New People:
After breaking up, it affects some emotionally that they decide never to date again, they start avoiding people, their once happy life has turned to a very sad one.
This is WRONG! . While your ex is busy enjoying his/herself, you are being emotionallyNtraumatized. Yes its painful, you got hurt a lot, but how long are you going to dwell on that?. Meeting new people and making new friends can make you forget your ex, go out with friends, mingle with your mates. Talk, play, laugh and be happy because you deserve it. Don't seclude yourself and stay all alone. it wouldn't do you any good.
4. Engage In Fun Activities:
Engage in fun activities and keep your mind busy, find things you enjoy doing. Be creative and productive. This will help your mind from think about your ex. Don't let one person who probably doesn't care about you to influence your mood. Play games, engage in outdoor activities.
5. Work Hard To Be A Much Better Person :
The is the best part, you know why?, if your ex left you as a guy for another guy because he is richer or more handsome. Let this be a challenge to you, don't remain that broke A.ss Ni.gga she sees you to be. Work hard and be a better person than you were yesterday, work on yourself. As a lady if your ex left you because he know longer find you attractive, well there are millions of guys who will so anything to have you. Remember, he was attracted to you because you had everything he desired.
Now he thinks you are not beautiful enough for him. Relax, every girl is beautiful, it only depends on how much effort you put in yourself and how well you package yourself. Make sure you improve yourself, your ex will regret letting you go and wish he never made that mistake. By doing this you will find a much better person than your ex.
Be Happy' . Your ex is not worth all the tears. No love found, No love lost.

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