The Nigerian Army has presented cheques to 62 next of kin of soldiers and officers of the army who died in ongoing counter-terrorism operations in the north-east.

While presenting the cheques to the recipients, the Chief of Army Administration, Major General Adamu Baba Abubakar, said the gesture was a sign of appreciation for their fallen colleagues and the support from their families while in service.

Major General Abubakar also urged the next of kin to commence the process of claiming other entitlements due them, including insurance, pension and sponsorship of their bereaved children between the ages of six and eighteen.

A terrorist group, Boko Haram, trying to establish an Islamic state in the north-east region of Nigeria and also end western education, has carried out seriesnof attacks on communities in the region,displacing close to two million persons, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

For over five years Nigerian troops have sustained counter-terrorism operations in the region to contain the acts of terrorism.

Unidentified number of soldiers have been killed in the operation.

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