Trust is an important factor in every relationship. With trust comes commitment and loyalty. But from
the experiences I hear now and then, I understand that though we claim to trust our partners, we tend to test them. To see if their love is true.

Some tests with little things like, "I will tell him am sick to see his reaction....". While others go extreme, say like, asking their friends or strangers to try their partners, to see if they would fall.

Now I have to say that some these tests actually turn out good as they help the 'testing partner' know if the 'tested' is worth their time and affection. But I have also noticed that majority of these tests lead to breakup. For example, the 'tested' might fail or the 'tested' may pass but will be disappointed in the 'testee' or..... A lot of things can go wrong. Enough of my opinions. What do u think? Do we TRUST or TEST before we love?

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