Russell Wilson is a very religious man, but who knew he was ready to ignore the physical aspect of his relationship with Ciara in the name of God? It turns out the NFL player has some issues when it.comes to sex and has asked CiCi not to rush into things.

During a Q&A sit-down at The Rock Church in San Diego, CA, Wilson shared he hasn’t had an intercourse with the R&B diva yet. He explained he feels like if both can love each other without it, then there are real feelings between them. Plus, he strongly believes God has a greater plan for them.

“ He has anointed both of us and I know that he’s calling for us to do something miraculous,” he said. “I told her…If you can really love somebody without that, then you can really love somebody.”

Still, Wilson realizes his girlfriend is extremely tempting and asked the crowd to pray for him.

“ I ain’t gonna lie to y’all now,” he said,

“I need y’all to pray for us! I know you seen her on the screen…If there’s a 10, she’s a 15.

Pray for me. Keep my mind clear. Keep my heart clear.” Obviously, Russell takes religion seriously

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