Maj. Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Presidential candidate of the all Progressives Congress (APC) has lamented the situation the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, finds itself under President Goodluck Jonathan’s rule.

Speaking through his spokesperson, Garba Shehu, at a press conference Thursday in Abuja, Mr. Buhari
opined that that EFCC’s inability to record a conviction is in stark contrast to its past record, where former governors and other senior public officials accused of defrauding the Nigerian peoplebwere tried and prosecuted, Premium Times reports.

“Thus, we can safely say that President Jonathan has muzzled the EFCC. He has turned one of our country’s most respected and revered institutions into a toothless bulldog without even as much as a bark,” he said

Mr. Shehu said it is startling to see the dexterity with which the President sacked the former chairman of the SURE-P scheme owing to his pronouncement on the desirability of change.

Mr. Jonathan had sacked Martin Agwai as SURE-P chairman after he reportedly attended the birthday
celebration of former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

The retired Army General was also reported to have talked about the “desirability for change” in the

Mr. Shehu said the president hastily sacked the SURE-P boss, adding “meanwhile, ministers and
other senior members of his government who have heavy allegations of corruption hanging on their necks still comfortably retain their positions”.

He said; “not only did Mr. Jonathan stop the EFCC from doing its job, but that he has also reversed
some previous achievements of the commission byngranting state pardon to erstwhile government
officials whom it had uncovered as guilty ofbcorruption.

“It is no wonder, therefore, that Nigeria remains in an abysmal low on the Transparency International
ranking of corrupt countries in the world,” he said.

He added that yet another clear example of the wanton corruption that has become commonplace in President Jonathan’s government is the recent announcement by the Nigerian Senate that the Ministry of Works’ budget has been reduced by 89 percent.

“Who was the intended recipient of the unnecessary, extra 89 percent? Into whose pockets were the superfluous millions intended? And if indeed the 89 percent was essential to the effective functioning of the ministry, is the reduction just an attempt by the PDP government to punish Nigerians for asking for CHANGE?” he asked.

Recall that Buhari promised that he will not condone stealing or any form of corrupt practice from public office holders if elected into power during an APC campaign rally
in Kaduna.

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