Within the span of about 18 years from 1985 to the turn of the century Muhammadu Buhari transformed from a military dictator to a democracy enthusiast.

He has traced his conversion to the implosion of the former Soviet Union.

Since his conversion he has consistently not looked back and today, the story of Buhari is that of folklore that is generating enthusiasm across the land.

It is not surprising that he has a legion of antagonists arising from from his record as a former military ruler, but his band of followers extend beyond ethnic and religious boundaries.

In a country where political followership is largely driven by ethnic and religious considerations, boasting of a support base that shattered all known primordial barriers is no mean feat.

But that is not to his credit alone, considering his membership of the All Progressives Party, APC—a party with a broader national spread.

Even though some of his policies as Head of State, were misconstrued, Buhari has the uncommon integrity for honesty among Nigeria’s politicians.

Perhaps, that accounts for why his reputation soared among the electorate even after three consecutive defeats.

The near impeccable aura surrounding his personality is considered an addition to the reasons why the race for the first time, has become too close to call.

His military vocation, ensured that Buhari like his peers in that era, occupied prominent leadership positions at early stages of his life.

Buhari, who was born in 1947 was at different times, governor of North-East State, Federal Commissioner for Petroleum Resources, Head of State, and Chairman Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund. These are in addition to various command positions he held in the military.

Of all the positions he held in his service to Nigeria, his tenure as Head of State sometimes come under criticisms from those, who thought was too extreme in the implementation of his policies.

In spite of such criticisms, many Nigerians regard his stern and austere disposition as an asset in the quest to enthrone purposeful leadership in the country.

It is repeatedly said that not even his political enemies have been able to find any reason to trace any allegation of corruption to him despite his high level exposure to what many would describe as juicy government offices.

Buhari’s present aspiration is his fourth run since 2003 and it looks his most promising outing.

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