Kissing is very good for your health and also for a healthy relationship...
Here are some of the reasons why kissing is beneficial to you

It relieves tension.

A passionate kiss is a great relaxation technique, and most stress consultants agree! When your mouth is in a position of kissing, you are almost smiling. Our emotions and body language are so closely linked and it’s almost impossible to smile and feel tense at the same time. Your breathing becomes deeper and your eyes close when you kiss – that’s what you do when you relax. It’s a perfect way to shut out the world!

It helps you lose weight.

It depends on how long you can keep going! You need use 3000 calories to lose about half a kilogram, i.e., kiss for 30,000 minutes or 500 hours.
A long kiss makes the metabolism burn up sugar faster than usual. The calories burned depend on the intensity, but you can rely on 10 calories for every 10 minutes. So battle the bulge by doing some serious snogging!

It slows down aging.

Kissing helps to tone your cheek and jaw muscles, so they’re less likely to sag. The muscle movements actually tone and tighten your double chin and saggy cheeks!

It increases fitness levels.

When you kiss, you release adrenaline into the bloodstream and your heart pumps blood around your body faster. With your heart pumping and your pulse racing, you’re actually getting a great cardio workout!

It lets you in on what’s to come.

Kissing a new guy or girl gives you an opportunity to check out his or her pheromones – the chemical messengers that signal sexual attraction. It’s a great way to work out if there’s any chemistry between you two! Smell plays a very important part in subconscious attraction between human beings, and if you don’t like the way someone smells, you’re not likely to get along!

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