These critical mistakes are mostly self-repetitive and practically kill any chance a woman might have to reach a deep emotional connection with a  man . Here are some things every woman must Avoid

Emotional dependency- Being Needy and Insecure With Your Man.

Did you know that there are ways you can set off a man's "Insecurity Alert" and make him think twice about pursuing a relationship with you? Sadly, even confident women often "accidentally" give off one of these signs and just one can kill the chance of a man asking you on a second date. It's very natural to long for being closer to your partner and even more natural to be afraid of losing him. However, when a woman immediately develops an emotional dependency, the other side tends to back away.

Bear in mind, that there's a thin line between needing someone and being emotionally dependable while triggering a man's insecurity alert.

Men want to be with a woman, who is aware of her value and makes a free and conscious choice to be with him. When you lead a man to believe you are insecure or needy, you immediately become less attractive and practically kill any chance for a relationship. If a woman doesn’t think that she is worthy of a man's love, why would he think that?

Desperately Trying to Please a Man

Most women believe that the best
and shortest way to a man's heart is becoming exactly what he wants a woman to be. They think that once the man realizes that no other woman is as good to him as they are - he will act rationally and pick them.

The problem is that the choices of the heart are often made irrationally. Surprisingly, many men do not tend to choose a woman that will do anything for them, but tend to pick the one that proves to be the most worthy of his efforts.

Being his sex object- Appealing to his "sexual" side instead of his emotional side

Many women make the mistake of thinking that men are primarily driven by sex alone and think if they can attract a man sexually they will be able to attract him emotionally as well.

This perception is wrong. Women too often give up sex to a man in the hopes that it will translate into a relationship and get them what they want.

In reality, a man has the capacity to view a sexual connection and an emotional connection as two entirely different things, and it requires a special set of skills to mold these two things together in a man’s mind and keep them connected.
Men are out for far more than just sex and a woman who
knows how to fulfill these will be one who captures a man’s heart and gets fulfillment for herself.

Leading a Man to Think You Are Not in Control Over Your Feelings and Your Behavior.

The emotional turmoil that accompanies the process of infatuation is a powerful and addictive experience that most women enjoy to be swept away by.

However, when a woman shows lack of control over her feelings, especially when she cannot control her reactions to disappointments, anger and insult - most men might give up at that point. Lack of emotional self-control is the opposite of the ideal stability, harmony and security we all wish to find in a good and long- term relationship.

Choosing a Partner Based On Immediate Attraction.

While attraction is a prerequisite condition for any healthy relationship, many women rely completely on physical attraction when it comes to choosing their partners.

This is a deadly mistake. The most attractive men are usually good looking, funny, self-confidant and experienced - but not necessarily trustful, reliable or ready for a meaningful relationship.
Before spending your precious time and emotional resources on a man
who has little to no potential to become your full time emotionally involved partner for life, its imperative that you learn how to quickly analyze a man’s relationship potential.

Instead of just judging a man by attraction alone, you want to know how to identify the warning signs of a future bad relationship before wasting your emotions on a man that will leave you heartbroken and discouraged.

Staying In a Relationship With an
Emotionally Unavailable Man
Hoping that the routine or a new behavior that you might adopt, will make an emotionally unavailable
man to suddenly take interest in you, fall in love with you and commit, is one of the deadliest mistakes you want to avoid if your aim is a longterm, healthy and loving relationship. It’s a fact that many men are capable of staying in a long relationship, even when they know it’s not what they wish for.

They simply treat the relationship as one of temporary compromise with low self- involvement while waiting for something better to appear. On the other hand, the woman, who is already developed some feelings, continues to deepen her emotional involvement and wastes precious time and energy on a hopeless relationship that has no potential for growth, commitment or love

Not knowing how to size up a man’s
"Relationship Potential"

A lot of women will decide whether or not they should put energy into building a relationship with a man based on attraction. Attraction is important but it can also be dangerous. When we feel a strong sense of attraction for someone, it can cause us to override our logic and ignore our instincts leading us to overlook potential partner’s deadly faults that could spell trouble down the road. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that is dragging you down, this is probably why.

It’s important to be able to size a guy up and spot any warning signs of a future bad relationship fast so you don’t waste any of your time or emotional energy on someone who isn’t right for you or who will leave you heartbroken.
Also read:  10 Things A Woman Must Never Do To Her Husband [Must Read]

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